The purpose of the National Honor Society (NHS) is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.


Application information will be sent to students that meet the scholarship criteria in late January. You can watch for this email with scholarship information included.

Membership Criteria

At Waukee Schools, membership is open for juniors and seniors only. Students are selected based on the following four pillars:

    • Scholarship (cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher)
    • Service
    • Leadership
    • Character

Current NHS members are required to log a minimum of 10 service hours from August through April of their senior year. After service has taken place the hours should be submitted via this NHS Service Form.

Here is a list of Service Opportunities!

*Service hours cannot be counted for both Silver Cord and NHS*

Kiersten Sheeder, president Kiersten Sheeder, President

“Hi, I’m Kiersten Sheeder and I am your NHS president! I am looking forward to creating new NHS traditions and making an impact on our school and community! Outside of NHS, I am involved in softball, Eos, Northwest Singers, and church youth group. I also love to travel and spend time with friends and family!”

Macy Davis, Vice President Macy Davis, Vice President

“My name is Macy Davis and I am excited to be Waukee Northwest’s NHS Vice President! At Northwest, I am also involved in soccer, Student Council, and HOSA. Outside of school, I love spending time with my friends and family!”

Kate Meyer, Volunteer Coordinator Kate Meyer, Volunteer Coordinator

“My name is Kate Meyer, and I am the NHS volunteer coordinator for this year. In addition to NHS, I also participate in student council, RAK, and cross country. I love to cook and go on bike rides in my free time. I’m eager to coordinate some awesome volunteer opportunities this year!”

Natalie Gallagher, Public Relations coordinator Natalie Gallagher, Public Relations Coordinator

“I am Natalie Gallagher and I’m excited to be the Public Relations Coordinator this year! Along with NHS I am on Student Council, the co-president of RAK and participate in Silver Chord. I enjoy playing soccer & basketball as well as traveling with family & friends. I can’t wait for this year!”

Natalie Becker, Teacher Appreciation Co-Chair Natalie Becker, Teacher Appreciation Co-Chair

“I’m Natalie Becker and I am one of your Teacher Appreciation Co-Chairs!! Along with NHS, I am involved in show choir, Varsity dance team, student council, silver cord, and am a competitive dancer at a local studio. I am excited to recognize our staff to show how much we care about them!”

Taylor Haindfield, Teacher Appreciation Co-Chair Taylor Haindfield, Teacher Appreciation Co-Chair

“I’m Taylor Haindfield and I am the Teacher Appreciation Co-Chair for NHS! In addition to NHS, I am involved in football cheerleading and competitive cheer for Waukee Northwest. I am also a Senior representative for Student Council, a member of RAK, and involved in Silver Cord. I am excited to give back to the teachers and staff in our building to show them how much we appreciate all they do!”

Drew Lehman, Formal Co-chair Drew Lehman, Winter Dance Co-Chair

Hi! My name is Drew Lehman and I am one of the Waukee Northwest’s Winter Formal Co-Chairs. I am involved in cross country, track, show choir, student council, and I enjoy hanging out with friends & running. I can’t wait to help plan a great event with Mallory and the rest of NHS!”

Mallory Kell, Formal Co-Chair Mallory Kell, Winter Dance Co-Chair

My name is Mallory Kell and I am one of your NHS Winter Formal Co-Chairs! I am passionate about swimming, and I am a captain on the swim team. I love to have fun, and I will work my hardest alongside Drew to make Winter Formal week fun and memorable!