Northwest High School Homecoming Week

Support the Wolves and celebrate our Waukee community spirit during Northwest High School Homecoming 2022! 

Northwest Festival

When: 6 p.m. on Thursday, September 29

Where: Northwest High School Parking Lot

What: The public is welcome to this family-friendly event with food trucks, teams/clubs, and prizes


Homecoming Court Coronation & Powderpuff

When: After Northwest Festival on Thursday, September 29 around 7:30 p.m.

Where: Northwest Football Stadium

Meet our Court

Screen Shot 2022 09 26 at 11.38.57 AM
Back row (left to right): Pryce Sandfort, Christian Hollister, Grant Carder
Second row from back (left to right): Brady Grisham, Drew Lehman, Jackson Adams
Second row from the front (left to right): Natalie Gallagher, Kiana Carnes, Emma Cronin
Front row (left to right): Taylor Haindfield, Natalie Becker, Davis Schmidt


Northwest Wolves vs. Sioux City East Varsity Football Game

When: Kickoff at 7 p.m. on Friday, September 30

Where: Northwest Football Stadium

Purchase tickets

Northwest High School Homecoming Dance – “Midnight in Miami”

When: Saturday, October 1